Standard Stainless Steel Nozzle Ring & Nozzles
Optional Split Nozzle Ring

Standard Lightweight Composite Cone
Optional Lifting bracket

Standard Control Panel
Optional Remote Control

Standard Booster Pump Optional Feeding Pump

Standard Oscillating Base
Optional Auto Rotating

Air One inc. has been in the dust and odor control business for over 20 years. National concern about odor and dust emissions continue to grow, which has in turn affected laws from government agencies that regulate businesses in the heavy construction , waste, recycling and landfill sectors.
Public regulations as well as consumer concern about preserving the earth has created an increase in the demand and mandated regulation of recycling which as an industry is growing exponentially.
We offer an extensive range of fog cannons & modular systems and can deliver and install on-site nation-wide.
Dust and odor control systems monitor and respond to changing conditions. The dust and odor neutralizers we use are EPA approved and tested.
Spraystream customizable and stationary wheel cleaning systems to meet the needs of your project. Spraystream's above-ground wheel washing systems will offer a quick and complete solution.
Custom misting solutions for shredders and crushers. Stops dust at the source by injecting water droplets directly into the equipment's housing.
No matter where you are in the country, when you run an industrial operation that creates dust you must have a proper dust collection system designed and installed. A dust collection system is often mandated by laws and regulations in your industry. A dust collection system will keep your employees safe from dust hazards. Breathing in dust can be detrimental to one’s health.